October 12, 2009 journal, the war for the soul of man, soul is translated as life in body. Life is from conception and the mother serves as a conduit for breath which is God's life. The resurrection will give new life or reincarnation to the body without flesh and blood. We have worked enough already and it is now time to rest from all the sweat and blood for the profiteers. Now the stock market has surpassed 10,000 Dow Jones average and the recession is declared over while workers in Detroit lineup for many blocks to collect unemployment pay or to get a job. Most people believe what the racketeers tell them on the propaganda tube. So long as you take a flu shot you can buzz off to the great beyond. 4 Greenville policemen resigned under fire as accused of harassment of homeless people. As if the homeless people have not suffered enough already, some charges are said to be criminal. It appears now the crazy health reform bill is another rip-off of the taxpayers in favor of the criminal health insurance companies. So long is corporation's write the bills for Congress there will be no affordable health care. The natives are becoming restless. The banks & AIG bonus plans are becoming an issue of great controversy in this country. Why do the taxpaying public need to pay bonuses to undeserving critters on Wall Street? Fire scorched dry California now has 20 inches of rain and mud slides to bury them alive. Anyone truly believing the recession or depression is over really needs to have their head examined. It is going to crash fast & hard anyday now, things are going to change rapidly. You can hoard up food & gasoline but it is not going to make much difference in the end. God has promised to protect his people in such crisis as this, we shall see his handiwork. The deep dark secrets from the belly of the beast are about to be exposed for all to see. The colossal 1200 page medical reform bill is a pig in a poke for all America, it should be scrapped because it changes every minute. Let the insurance companies and pharmacy makers go down the tubes. Free clinics are taking over anyway and serving needs of the people. Millions of dollars are being donated with doctors & nurses willing to work free. This would take a big monkey off America's back. Trash all medical plans and pharmacy. Go holistic with herbal treatment for the best of care for body mind and spirit. Go free of medical and insurance predators same as go free of all credit cards. Let the banks have their debt back and pay their high exorbitant usury interest no longer. Go for survival and survive only without the debt burden or the health insurance burden. Insurance go broke. It is them or us so let them bite the dust and free the American people from these burdens. Lindsay Graham is being called a traitor in a town hall for not standing with Republicans. Please avoid taking any flu shot because I believe it is dangerous. The flu is a fabrication. Every day the American people and possibly the entire world slides deeper into chaos. Go free of all the world things and false security which give the illusion of safe or happiness. If you went out and spent your credit cards you did the world a favor to keep the economy going as long as it has. You only spent artificially manufactured money so do not let it get you down. Things are in a whirlwind now changing everyday with no truth being said. The outcome of the fiat dollar should be obvious to everyone that thinks clearly about it. Four police officers are forced to resign from the Greenville police force for mistreating homeless people with some of the charges said to be criminal. What shame such conduct.